I have   done extensive personal research and its here for anyone who wants to view my work.

About Us

i am a married woman with three grown up Sons in whom i am well pleased...they are all three real men..My eldest Son has two beautiful Daughters and an awesome Son and they are all a sourse of great joy and happiness in our life....We are an international family based in United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Europe...we have many good friends scattered around the globe and have been fortunate enough to have travelled the globe to many wonderful places...My Husband is very supportive and respects my efforts for the betterment of humanity... he notes the time i spend on helping those who are down to get back up...many of our good friends and family have done the same for us....he is patient and long suffering however, of late, he has suffered a great deal seeing me upset and abused by disingenuous userers... whom he has witnessed taking advantage of both our good natures....these people seem to be unable to conduct themselves appropriately, as they lack even the most basic social skills and manners...they have been both demanding and abusive when treated with kindness...in other words they seem to posses no gratitude and tend to bite the hand that feeds them like rabbid dogs...

We are here to help others...NOT to destroy people... We are Benevolent NOT Malevolent and to be franc we have taken quite enough abuse from people who are unable to govern themselves in an appropriate manner.

I needed a place to store my work, where others can have a look at it...

History of project

The start of my awakening to the wrongs and ills of British GOVERNMENT 'STATE' and SOCIETY

Granddaughter was born in the U.S.A. on 26th May 2002 trafficked BY SAGA for Barclays!!!

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor - A retired town councillor from Cumbria

UK Social Services Tried to Take my Granddaughter - [23rd Mar 2009]

Yvonne  Stewart-Taylor's Granddaughter was born in the U.S.A. on 26th May 2002  after her Mother went into premature labour 3.5 months early on a beach  in Mexico. Her parents were transported by Air ambulance to University  of San Diego hospital where the labour could not be halted. The little  one was born by emergency caesarean section weighing in at just 2lb 6oz.  The baby stayed in intensive care for 10 weeks during which time I  visited the new family and tried to help support them. She had only a  50% chance of survival. It cost Barclays travel insurance over $1 million for her intensive care.

In  August 2002 she was flown by Air Ambulance from San Diego to Newcastle  Upon Tyne where we were told we would have a problem getting her into  the British system because she came into the U.K. without a passport and  holds an American Birth certificate only. We were at a loss as to how,  at a time of heightened national security, S.A.G.A, working on behalf of Barclays insurance could have managed to bring her into the UK illegally.

From  Newcastle she was brought by ambulance to Lancaster Royal Infirmary and  later discharged. Finally we had her home. As a caring family we all  cared for her and loved her, she was and still is the centre of our  Universe. On Jan 03, 2003 she was admitted to hospital with a severe  chest infection, remaining there for a few days and then sent home with a  broken femur. I asked for a full inquiry into how this could have  occurred. A locum paediatrician at Lancaster diagnosed "Non-accidental  Injuries" and Social Services took out an interim care order; accusing  the family of child abuse. We asked them to wait until doctors in San  Diego could be consulted. We were refused. We endured 8 months of child  care proceedings and had to fight the system.

When San  Diego Doctors finally sent e-mails to her Mother stating she had been  born with significant OOP (osteopenia of prematurity); a bone condition  which effects premature infants. We had been told that if one of six  family members did not admit to hurting her she would be placed for  adoption. We were all questioned by police regarding child abuse,  including her great grandfather who had lost his wife (my Mother) a few  months previously to terminal cancer. Police asked him why he came to  visit us so regularly?

After 8 months the family court  dispersed the child protection case to Australia, where after a few  weeks it was disposed of as a waste of their time and resources. We had  seen her for only 2 hours per week for 8 months, under social services  supervision. Some weeks we didn't see her at all because social services  didn't have enough staff. We went through hell. Had it not have been  for the arrival into the UK, from Australia of her maternal grandmother,  social services would have removed her from her birth family -she was  still being breast fed at the time, and social services had no mother  and child foster provision to place her in. Her Australian granny  oversaw her care 24/7 without respite for 8 months; preventing them from  being able to take our granddaughter away.

We were made to  prove our innocence and treated like criminals. The social workers were  so set on an agenda of 'baby for adoption' that one even changed the  wording of the Australian social worker's report to try and mislead the  Court. Perjury of a document admitted to court. Social services went to  great length to protect her from the mixed-race paternal family. Later,  when we complained, they admitted partially discriminating against us on  racial grounds. They were not compliant with The Amended Race Relations  Act, and had inadequate policies in place.

Our suffering  and sense of loss was immense. We had all endured 8 months of hell. We  celebrated when the Family Court judge said we could bring her home and  her parents could then take her to be with her Australian family. We  were sad to see them go but relieved that social services had to let go.  She had been neglected by the NHS, we had been falsely accused, and yet  she did not become another of the thousands of children who have been  wrongly removed from their birth families and illegally adopted in the  UK. Our one saving grace was American Doctors' e-mails and the fact that  she is an American Citizen with no claim to British Citizenship  until her parents are married, which to date they are not. Had social  services placed her for adoption to a UK couple they would have  contravened international law.

We have exhausted all the  complaints procedures only to either be ignored or fobbed off. The NHS  were presented with our formal complaint along with the police in  December 06 and to date the NHS has not answered our complaint. Social  services have refused to answer the Australian complaint and the police  have not addressed our concerns either.

My Husband who  works for Cumbria Constabulary has, twice in the last two years, faced  disciplinary action directly associated with this case and could lose  his job after 6 months of investigation into his alleged misconduct at  work. The authorities are now hell bent on making us criminals. Not one  family member has ever been prosecuted or charged with any offence yet  we are listed on a secret police intelligence computer as 'prospective  child abusers'. We have requested the removal of our names and been  refused.

My Son, his daughter and her Mother do not feel  safe to return to the UK, as the social worker has said he will get her  next time. It has cost us approx £25,000 and the Australian family the  loss of their home, business and caused the family unit of 30 years to  almost breakdown. We fear that due to the stress of it all her parents  relationship will not endure much longer. The good name and character of  our families has been tarnished and I can no longer function normally  day to day. I lost my jobs, and fear my husband will soon lose his. We  will be forced to sell our home and leave the UK in the near future.  Institutionally racist Cumbrian Authorities have done us and our  granddaughter nothing but harm and they are not even going to be dealt  with, for this huge miscarriage of justice.

People aware of  this case. Tony Blair Prime Minister, Margaret Hodge Minister for  Children, John Hemming MP, Beverly Hughes Minister for Children, Tim  Collins MP, Tim Farron MP, Chief Constable Baxter (Cumbria  Constabulary), Joan Stocker, County Council. on can intervene in  individual cases or right the wrongs of the flawed family courts. The  only chance we have of justice, is to go to the European Courts with  others who have had their families torn apart.We are fortunate we still  have our granddaughter.

The sad reality is that the UK  child protection racket is nothing more than a liscence for the Family  Law Franchises to make money, at tax payers expense and rip innocent  families apart for financial gain. Sadly while vital recourses are  wasted on innocent families, children who really need protection are  being abused. Many thousands of pounds of tax payers money have been  wasted on this case to protect what was essentially an illegal  immigrant. US congress are also aware of this case involving one of  their citizens and we intend to tell this story as widely as we can in  three countries in the hope of naming and shaming those who have  deliberately abused us as a family.

We want to raise  awareness of this case in the hope that it will highlight the abuse of  innocent families in the UK by Government Agencies who appear to be a  law unto themselves and answerable to none. We believe that this case  sets a president as American Dr's as well as UK Dr's were involved. If  we had relied on UK Doctors we would have certainly lost her to the  system. The fact remains that she is not even British.

The  current system is flawed, open to abuse and damaging or destroying  families. How much longer can this continue? Why do social workers have  and abuse, so much power?

Note. I am not bound by the  Court's gagging orders to be silent as I was never a party to  Proceedings. The parents do not have the same freedom I have to speak  about this, as they are bound by the courts not to speak about it. I  have deliberately concealed names to protect the innocent. I do feel  strongly that this case should be made public, especially if it raises  the profile enough to force changes to occur in the future and prevent  others from enduring what we have been through. No, family should have  to suffer as we have done. Incidentally, our family were interviewed  re-child abuse by my husbands work colleagues, is it any wonder we are  still being looked at and treated like criminals by local police?  Policies and procedures have not been followed by Social Services or the  Police.


Sheena Williams - Former Maidstone Borough Councillor in Kent

Sheena speaks at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010


4 Granddaughters stolen for forced adoption in an act of absolute malicious vindictive persecution

Anyone interested in History....

Our users

we dont appreciate userers...we appreciate real honest people who have self respect and integrity and whom govern themselves accordingly to the eternal plan of happiness and salvation