Council of Vienne 1311-1312 A.D. re Unum Sanctum 1302 v Magna Carta 1215

14/02/2015 22:07


In 1301 King Philip had a French bishop tried for treason and imprisoned. This was intolerable and Boniface issued a reproving bull, which in 1302 was decisively rejected by the Estates General, even the French clergy supporting their king. Boniface announced that he would depose Philip if need be and issued the bull Unam Sanctam('One Holy'),the most famous papal document of the Middle Ages, affirming the authority of the pope as the heir of Peter and Vicar of Christ over all human authorities, spiritual and temporal. Spiritual power, according to the bull, rests in the hands of the Church. Temporal power is in the hands of kings and soldiers, but is to be exercised only as the Church permits, because things spiritual are superior to things temporal. If temporal power errs, it is to be judged by the spiritual power. If lesser spiritual power errs, it is to be judged by higher spiritual power all the way up to the supreme spiritual power, the papacy itself, which can be judged only by God. 'We declare, state and define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.'

"The Bull lays down dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Church, the necessity of belonging to it for the attainment of eternal salvation, the position of the Pope as supreme head of the Church, and the duty thence arising of submission to the Pope in order to belong to the Church and thus to attain salvation. - in the writings of non-Catholic authors against the definition of Papal Infallibility, the Bull ... was used against Boniface VIII as well as against the papal primacy in a manner not justified by its content. The statements concerning the relations between the spiritual and the secular power are of a purely historical character, so far as they do not refer to the nature of the spiritual power, and are based on the actual conditions of medieval Europe. 'Unam' is frequently quoted, and misquoted, by anti-Catholics trying to prove that Boniface VIII, and Popes in general, are arrogant and evil men, intent on extending their own power."

In 1301 King Philip had a French bishop tried for treason and imprisoned. This was intolerable and Boniface issued a reproving bull, which in 1302 was decisively rejected by the Estates General, even the French clergy supporting their king. Boniface announced that he would depose Philip if need be and issued the bull Unam Sanctam('One Holy'),the most famous papal document of the Middle Ages, affirming the authority of the pope as the heir of Peter and Vicar of Christ over all human authorities, spiritual and temporal. Spiritual power, according to the bull, rests in the hands of the Church. Temporal power is in the hands of kings and soldiers, but is to be exercised only as the Church permits, because things spiritual are superior to things temporal. If temporal power errs, it is to be judged by the spiritual power. If lesser spiritual power errs, it is to be judged by higher spiritual power all the way up to the supreme spiritual power, the papacy itself, which can be judged only by God. 'We declare, state and define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.'

The pope went on in 1303 to confirm the disputed choice of Albert of Hapsburg as Holy Roman Emperor and announce that the emperor was overlord of all other rulers, including the king of France. Under the ultimate supremacy of the pope.

Boniface may not have made any greater claims for papal authority than canon lawyers and some of his predecessors had made before him, but he was shouting vigorously against the wind. King Philip's response was to accuse him of crimes from heresy and blasphemy to simony and sodomy, and send his henchman Guillaume de Nogaret to Italy to stir up another rebellion against the pope. In September, with the help of the Colonnas and some of the cardinals, Boniface was seized, threatened with death and manhandled at his summer residence at Anagni. The townspeople rescued him two days later, but the shock broke him physically and psychologically, and he died in Rome soon afterwards, in October. Clement V, who became pope two years later, was French and in 1309 the throne of Peter was moved from Rome to Avignon in France.

Please note

A Papal Bull is a formal document issued by a Roman Cult Pontiff upon a major act of law, curse or claim to extend the power of the Cult over its claimed domination of the world, all nations, all people, all law and all religions. All legitimate Papal Bulls were issued on human skin, usually the skin of a sacrificed child, or some famous heretic. Forgeries are on calf skin or some other lesser medium.

The name Habsburg is derived from the castle of Habsburg, or Habichtsburg ("Hawk's Castle"), built in 1020 by Werner, bishop of Strasbourg, and his brother-in-law, Count Radbot, in the Aargau overlooking the Aar River, in what is now Switzerland. Radbot's grandfather, Guntram the Rich, the earliest traceable ancestor of the house, may perhaps be identified with a Count Guntram who rebelled against the German king Otto I in 950. Radbot's son Werner I (died 1096) bore the title count of Habsburg and was the grandfather of Albert III (died c. 1200), who was count of Zürich and landgrave of Upper Alsace. Rudolf II of Habsburg (died 1232) acquired Laufenburg and the "Waldstätte" (Schwyz, Uri, Unterwalden, and Lucerne), but on his death his sons Albert IV and Rudolf III partitioned the inheritance. Rudolf III's descendants, however, sold their portion, including Laufenburg, to Albert IV's descendants before dying out in 1408.

From their origins as obscure counts in what is now Switzerland, they rose to become the single most powerful family in Europe and perhaps even the world. Their rise sheds a great deal of light on the petty bickering of medieval politics, where kingdoms would be traded among a few powerful families back and forth every generation and every count, duke, lord, and earl dreamed of a way to claw his family one rung higher up the ladder. Brothers, cousins, and nephews plotted to become head of the family. Every ruler watched his back, and even after death a disgraced leader could be punished with a humiliating suffix like 'the Fat', 'the Bald', or even 'the Impotent'. Out of this dogfight emerged a few victorious families; by luck, treachery, and cunning, the Hapsburgs were the greatest of them all.

In 1273, Duke Rudolph IV of Hapsburg was crowned Emperor of Rome1, largely due to the efforts of his brother-in-law, Frederick III of Hohenzollern, Burgrave of Nuremberg. The support of Albert, duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, and of Louis II, Count Palatine of the Rhine and duke of upper Bavaria, had been purchased by marrying them off to two of Duke Rudolph's daughters; so that Ottokar II, duke of Ö sterreich2 and King of Bohemia, was almost alone in his opposition.


The fight against usury goes back to the earliest known beginnings of civilization. ... Jakob Strauss conducted a violent campaign against usury and tithes. ..... all goods and services very expensive and leaves very little money in the wallet.

The First Council of Nicaea, in 325, forbade clergy from engaging in usury (canon 17). At the time, usury was interest of any kind, and the canon merely forbade the clergy to lend money on interest above 1 percent per month (12.7% APR). Later ecumenical councils applied this regulation to the laity.

Most of you know that today's interest rates violate the canons of Nicea. Most of you do not realize that the Western part of the Church was even stronger against usury than the Eastern side of the Church. In 1179, within about 100 years of the schism, the III Lateran Council forbade the sacraments and Christian burial to those who charged interest. While that attitude no longer holds in the Roman Catholic Church, it is the Roman Catholic Church that has led the drive to forgive the foreign loans incurred by Third World countries-particularly those incurred under previous dictatorial governments-largely on the grounds that the amount borrowed has long been repaid by those countries. In other words, part of the argument is that "Christian" First World nations still have those loans only because of the compound interest they charged, and that this is abhorrent to the Catholic view of usury and how one treats the poor. I would heartily agree.

For as much as many enrolled among the Clergy, following covetousness and lust of gain, have forgotten the divine Scripture, which says, He has not given his money upon usury, and in lending money ask the hundredth of the sum [as monthly interest], the holy and great Synod thinks it just that if after this decree any one be found to receive usury, whether he accomplish it by secret transaction or otherwise, as by demanding the whole and one half, or by using any other contrivance whatever for filthy lucre's sake, he shall be deposed from the clergy and his name stricken from the list. Canon 17 of the First Council of Nicea

For those of us who are Orthodox, should that not mean that we should be quite against interest rates above 12%? After all, this is a canon of and Ecumenical Council. For those of you who are Roman Catholic, your opposition to today's climate of interest and fees should be equally strong, if not stronger. Remember, it was pointed out that this canon was extended by later councils to all Christians, not just the clergy.

Usery V Equity ( Usery is a sin) 

Tithing V Usery

"Tithing is the great equitable law, for no matter how rich or poor we are, all of us pay the same one-tenth of our increase annually (see D&C 119:4), and all of us receive blessings so great 'that there shall not be room enough to receive [them]' (Malachi 3:10)."

The tithe was a requirement of the Law in which the Israelites were to give 10 percent of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the tabernacle/temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes-one for the Levites, one for the use of the temple and the feasts, and one for the poor of the land-which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system. 

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10).

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9-7

And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on." Mark 12 41-44.  Magna Carta.1215

Translation of the full text of the original 1215 edition of Magna Carta from Latin into ... (25) Every county, hundred, wapentake, and tithing shall remain....Is Tithing Equity? V Usery wich is forbidden 

Tithing is 10% of ones increase, increase is profit, 10% of ALL PROFIT , so means tested should not pay it in my informed opinion, the poore if they chose to contribute should be the most blessed, not the most persecuted by the rich and powerful who contribute nothing to the good of humanity.

"We, holding these aforesaid gifts and grants to be right and welcome, conceed and confirm them for ourselves and our heirs and by the terms of the present (letters) renew them, wishing and granting for ourselves and our heirs that the aforesaid charter is to be firmly and inviably observed in all and each of its articles in perpetuity, including any articles contained in the same charter which by chance have not to date been observed. In testimony of which we have had made these our letters patent. Witnessed by Edward our son, at Westminster on the twelfth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of our reign. (Chancery warranty by John of) Stowe."

Magna Carta 1215 35

"The view of frankpledge is to be taken so that our peace be held and so that the tithing is to be held entire as it used to be, and so that the sheriff does not seek exceptions but remains content with that which the sheriff used to have in taking the view in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather."

 [Frank-pledge -  the compulsory sharing of responsibility among persons tied  through kinship or possibly an oath of  fealty to a lord or knight. All men over 12 years old were joined in groups of about ten households. The group leader, the chief-pledge or tithing-man, was responsible for producing any man of that tithing suspected of a crime. If the man did not appear, the entire group could be fined]

Tithing is in our Constitution, NOT usery.

35] No county court is to be held save from month to month, and where the greater term used to be held, so will it be in future, nor will any sheriff or his bailiff make his tourn through the hundred save for twice a year and only in the place that is due and customary, namely once after Easter and again after Michaelmas, and the view of frankpledge is to be taken at the Michaelmas term without exception, in such a way that every man is to have his liberties which he had or used to have in the time of King H(enry II) my grandfather or which he has acquired since. The view of frankpledge is to be taken so that our peace be held and so that the tithing is to be held entire as it used to be, and so that the sheriff does not seek exceptions but remains content with that which the sheriff used to have in taking the view in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather.

The  Pope's  power  and  influence  ran  throughout  England.  This  became  an important element in the accommodation that King John had to seek with the barons and, as we shall see, the Pope had rather strong views on Magna Carta.When after the death of Hubert Walter the Pope, Innocent III, ruled the elections of  both  successors  invalid  (there  was  a  monastic  candidate  and  a  king's candidate), he imposed his own candidate, Stephen Langton (whose name heads the list of bishops and barons in Magna Carta, and that is no coincidence). John  refused  to  allow  Langton  into  England  and  seized  the  estates  of Canterbury. In 1208 Innocent retaliated by placing England under an interdict, which meant that for six years no church bells were rung, there were no church marriages, burials in consecrated ground were not allowed, and there were no Sunday masses - the only service most of the population attended. So that gives you a flavour of England and the English at the start of the thirteenth  century.  What  about  the  politics  that  were  to  drive  John  to Runnymede in 1215?

Conflict between the English monarchy and the Papacy was a major theme during Elizabeth I's reign (1558-1603), influencing popular perceptions of John's excommunication in 1209. Elizabeth I's father, Henry VIII created an independent Church of England through a series of Statutes passed between 1532 and 1537. The break from Rome allowed Elizabeth to be born a legitimate Princess in 1533. Since Pope Paul III was unwilling to annul Henry's first marriage to Catherine of Aragon, the King secured an annulment from Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury in 1533 and married Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn that year.

Few societies of the Roman Catholic Church have exercised a more powerful influence than the Jesuits, both in Europe and overseas. Founded in 1540, suppressed in 1773, they were officially restored in 1814.

In the middle of the Sixteenth Century the Catholic Church seemed in grave danger of disintegration. Northern Europe, including England, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, had openly revolted against it. In France there were many Protestants, and in Italy there was much open unbelief; everywhere, even among those who still called themselves Catholics, Christians were sceptical of the Church's traditional teaching and careless of its practice.

The Crown of Ba'al, also known as the Papal Tiara and Triregnum is a three-tiered jewelled papal crown and symbol of claimed papal supremecy since the 16th Century. Since the 16th Century, it has featured prominently as part of the coat of arms of the Vatican, usually with the crossed keys of claims of authority from St Peter. Any text or other claim that alleges the three-tiered crown is older than the 16th Century is deliberately false.

Prior to Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) the antipopes of the Roman Cult wore fabric, not metallic headdress, similar to the Persian High Priests of Mithra. However in 1302 Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam, being the first Express Trust claiming control over the whole planet and effectively "King of the world". In celebration, he commissioned a gold plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

The pinecone is an ancient symbol of fertility and one traditionally associated with Ba'al as well as the Cult of Cybele.

The claim that Papal Bulls are named after the bulla of ancient Roman documents is a complete absurdity - they are dedications to the Dark Lord or Ba'al Satan to whom the Roman Cult dedicate their works in secret.

The use of human skin is a fundamental prerequisite for a Papal Bull to have power as this is a concept of necromancy inherited through the Rabbi of Venice, the successors of the Sarmatians, themselves the successors of the Scythians and Tarsus, the successors of Mari and the amurru, the city founded itself from exiles of Ur.

The Latin word vellum from vellus means not only a fleece or hide but also "human" skin, indicating that at the Roman times the meaning of this form of writing material was still known.

In fact it was the Roman Cult itself through the formation of the College of Abbreviators that create the word "Parchment" to describe the fundamental form for legitimate Papal Bulls- "parchment" meaning parca = one of the three fates - the fate of death, h = letter of binding and ment/mentis = mind, thought, intention, intellect or in other words "mind/soul bound to the fate of death".

Official Papal Method for creating Vellum/Parchment for Bulls

The awful ritual of murdering children for using their skin for Papal Bulls and other Spells was first outlined in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III at the beginning of the 13th Century. But instead of explicitly using the word "human child", the word "kid" is used. Today, the word kids is accepted as a word for children.

Under all western law, the highest form of law and literally the highest form upon which any writing exists is a Papal Bull- based on parchment, being the skin of sacrificed children. In the system devised by the Roman Cult, no other document can claim higher standing.

This is a key reason why all legitimate Bulls were written on the skin of sacrificed innocent children, cursed, sodomised and then brutally butchered- because the Roman Cult did not publicly permit any documents to be written on parchment from human skin, no other documents could claim "human personality" and therefore real spiritual life.

Under the perverse and corrupt system of law that dominates the world today, the Roman Cult has convinced all jurisdictions to consider documents as devoid of life, except for those granted limited powers to resurrect the "dead paper" of a document to limited life, through the form of certain seals. Yet under this wholly evil and wicked system, no document has higher "life" that a Papal Bull being a satanic curse and binding usng the flesh of innocents to "trap their soul" to the form.

This is the lore

"Tithing is the great equitable law, for no matter how rich or poor we are, all of us pay the same one-tenth of our increase annually (see D&C 119:4), and all of us receive blessings so great 'that there shall not be room enough to receive [them]' (Malachi 3:10)." EQUITY?

Now its time to claim back our power from the tyrants who murder our Sons and Daughters, blaspheming the name of Christ Messiah.

There are two swords and one is higher than the other and victorious over BAAL worshipers, those who worship the Golden Calf 666, by their fruits or in fact User Fructus, ye shall know them.