Facade of a functioning legal system.

14/02/2015 23:15

``London's  lawyers need to recognize the distressing reality that Russia in its  current incarnation maintains the facade of a functioning legal system.  Behind the walls of official structures that ostensibly uphold the law,  elaborate machinery is in operation to siphon off the country's wealth  for the benefit of the country's rulers. The law enforcement agencies  are simply servants of this system.``


Dear Mr. Amsterdam


Thank you for an interesting article in the Moscow Times. It should be noted that Britain`s courts and legal system are also  maintaining a facade of a functioning legal system, which serves to  facilitate and successfully conceal fraud and other economic crimes.

People  have been systematically deprived of their homes, farms, and businesses  in organised fraudulent operations facilitated by courts, lawyers, and  judges. You may be aware of the Lawrence Tomlinson report, in which he  describes the fact that perfectly solvent businesses are being forced  into fraudulent bankruptcy  by corrupt accountants, lawyers, and a criminal element operating  through the courts. Conclusions are being drawn about whether or not  some members of the judiciary are knowingly engaged in crime and  corruption, or whether they have extremely poor judgment and are not fit  for purpose.

Our  group will be very pleased to supply you with details of such cases,  and how the theft of various properties and business assets is achieved  with fraudulent court documentation, sometimes forgery and altered  evidence, and the by-passing of civil procedure rules. The Ministry of  Justice takes no action to restore the rule of law, despite being fully  aware of many of the cases.  

More  articles from you would be very welcome in this respect, especially if  you will kindly turn your attention to the fact that it is not just  Russians and Bulgarians that are up to dirty tricks within the legal system and courts, but the problem is very much alive in Britain too.

Victims  cases are fully documented, and some of their evidence forms the basis  for the Lawrence Tomlinson report that was submitted to Business  Minister, Vince Cable, and has since been kicked into the long grass.

Various  interested parties with concerns about organised crime and British  corruption have been copied into this email. I am sure they would  welcome articles from you, especially in light of the forthcoming Global  Law Summit, planned for London in February 2015, at which Britain plans  to showcase its legal services to the world.

You  are correct in that Britain is condemning Russia on one hand, and doing  business with Russia on the other hand. David Cameron might be able to  better explain this duplicity.

David Cameron 'must answer for Russian oligarchs' donations'

Ed Miliband particularly questions £160,000 donation Tories accepted from wife of former Russian finance minister


LEAKED: David Cameron's Secret $1,700-A-Head Dinner With 6 Billionaires And A Strip Club Owner

Read more: https://www.businessinsider.com/david-cameron-dinner-with-billionaires-and-strip-club-owner-2014-7#ixzz3DR2bbxl7

David Cameron: 'UK companies put off Russia because of corruption'

David  Cameron has warned Russia that corruption, bureaucracy and an  inconsistent approach to the rule of law was holding back trade  relations with Britain.  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/globalbusiness/8758532/David-Cameron-UK-companies-put-off-Russia-because-of-corruption.html 

I look forward to hearing from you.